Welcome to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office website. It is my goal as your Lincoln County Sheriff to provide you with a premier law enforcement agency that diligently serves its citizens. We are providing service more efficiently than ever before and aim to bring that service into the 21st century.
As the chief law enforcement officer of Lincoln County, I want our residents and visitors to feel safe not only in their neighborhoods but in every area of the county. The only way to achieve this is to collaborate with every aspect of the county. This must include cities, local government, police departments, businesses, neighborhoods, civic groups, churches, schools, and parents. By forming this partnership with those mentioned, we can achieve the vision I have for the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
Please navigate through our website and discover the ability to view past and present tax bills, the opportunity to pay your tax bill safely online, information on auto inspections, CCDW, courtroom appearance protocol, civil paper process, and our staff. Thank you for your support, and once again we look forward to serving you!
Sheriff Shawn Hines